On Tue, 2010-07-20 at 10:12 -0500, lxnf9...@comcast.net wrote:
> I added a wireless card to a machine that has no gui interface installed, so 
> no NM
> I configured wpa_supplicant and wlan startup script
> What I do not get is when the machine boots wpa_supplicant starts after the 
> network script
> If I run 'ifup wlan' after the boot sequence is complete the wireless 
> connection completes
> The script /etc/init.d/network has 'chkconfig: - 10 90' and 
> /etc/init.d/wpa_supplicant has 'chkconfig: - 23 88'
> What am I missing
> It is probably right in front of me
I had the same problem. I modified the '/etc/init.d/network' startup
script by adding the line: '# Required-Start: wpa_supplicant' into the
'### BEGIN INIT INFO' section. It then starts wpa first.


John Horne                   Tel: +44 (0)1752 587287
University of Plymouth, UK   Fax: +44 (0)1752 587001
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