Use to be able to run command without added wine to front?? With Fedora 35 up to 7.10 worked fine, but 7.12 verion would cuase a spinning icon when opening email message. No error or anything showing in top or ps -ef. Did a dnf downgrade wine, and it downgraded to 6.16 version and problem went away, but all attempt to get back to 7.10 would only show upgrading to 7.12.. Then tried installing winehq-devel from their Fedora 35 repo. It installs 7.13 and it doesn't have the issue with spinning icon, but it has two minor differences.
1. Running programs from command line without wine doesn't work. Must put wine in front? Assume Fedora version must add something to wine installation that allows this. Haven't found anything to see how this is done. Have the default app set to use wine, but doesn't work from command line. 2. Other issue is that scroll bar doesn't work?? Scroll wheel on mouse works fine, but clicking on bar arrows does nothing, and dragging bar does nothing as well. With the Fedora 7.12 version the scroll bar does work? Posted on WINEHQ forums, but no response yet on issues. Think running at bash would be something that Fedora added?? Thanks. +------------------------------------------------------------+ Michael D. Setzer II - Computer Science Instructor (Retired) Guam - Where America's Day Begins G4L Disk Imaging Project maintainer +------------------------------------------------------------+ _______________________________________________ users mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct: List Guidelines: List Archives: Do not reply to spam on the list, report it: