Chris, I have been using Fedora as my D2D corporate workstation since F32. I 
have had very few issues with any of it. My biggest issue and daily pita is 
systemd-resolved . I have to consistently "systemctl restart systemd-resolved" 
in order to get my VPN to restart. 
In my home network, systemd-resolved is so bad that I can't get freeipa \ DNS 
to work at all. I messed with it for quite a while, it seems to work for 5 
minutes then not. 
I have a F36 KVM host with these guests:
F36 freeipa 
F36 Server with GUI
Alma 8 Server with GUI
CentOS 8 server with GUI

External hosts
F36 Laptop
I get no stable DNS resolution from any of them. I suspect that the FreeIPA 
host is arguing with the systemd-resolved proxy....
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