Am 15.07.22 um 20:41 schrieb Chris Murphy:
I have a request for list regulars.
The Fedora Workstation working group is curious if there's any pattern
or categorization how Fedora installations typically break. i.e. the
installation is successful, the system has been updated multiple times
successfully, and then for whatever reason it breaks.
Are most failures hardware related?
Some are. They happen, but these happen once or twice a year.
What portion of the failures are early boot failures? (Defined as
bootloader, kernel, or early initramfs failures. But excludes being
landed at a dracut prompt.)
On BIOS-systems I am experiencing these once or twice a year kernel bugs.
By far most often (1x per month): Networking issues.
In recent years, I several times found myself in situations, I had to
tweak details of network configurations, because Fedora's "vision" of
network configuration did harmonize well with mine.
(One recent such incident: Something in Fedora broke "domainname
What portion of all failures are fixable without reinstalling?
The only occasion, I found myself reinstalling was something having
screwed up the grub configuration on a BIOS multiboot system after a
Fedora upgrade.
Is the GRUB "rescue" menu entry ever useful in resolving problems?
It's probably ten years or more, since I tried to used it. Nowadays,
"rescue" is among the things I usually remove first from installations.
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