Dear fedora users,

In previous versions of fedora, the commands

export DISPLAY=:0
/usr/bin/xset dpms force on;
/usr/bin/xset -dpms;
would force screen on and then to return to screen blanking

#/usr/bin/xset +dpms;
/usr/bin/xset dpms force off;

now they do not work like before.

[olivares@fedora ~]$ /usr/bin/xset -dpms
server does not have extension for -dpms option
[olivares@fedora ~]$ /usr/bin/xset +dpms
server does not have extension for +dpms option
[olivares@fedora ~]$ /usr/bin/xset dpms force off
server does not have extension for dpms option
/usr/bin/xset:  unknown option force

usage:  /usr/bin/xset [-display host:dpy] option ...
    To turn bell off:
        -b                b off               b 0
    To set bell volume, pitch and duration:
         b [vol [pitch [dur]]]          b on
    To disable bug compatibility mode:
    To enable bug compatibility mode:
    To turn keyclick off:
        -c                c off               c 0
    To set keyclick volume:
         c [0-100]        c on
    To control Energy Star (DPMS) features:
        -dpms      Energy Star features off
        +dpms      Energy Star features on
         dpms [standby [suspend [off]]]
              force standby
              force suspend
              force off
              force on
              (also implicitly enables DPMS features)
              a timeout value of zero disables the mode
    To set the font path:
         fp= path[,path...]
    To restore the default font path:
         fp default
    To have the server reread font databases:
         fp rehash
    To remove elements from font path:
        -fp path[,path...]  fp- path[,path...]
    To prepend or append elements to font path:
        +fp path[,path...]  fp+ path[,path...]
    To set LED states off or on:
        -led [1-32]         led off
         led [1-32]         led on
        -led named 'name'   led off
         led named 'name'   led on
    To set mouse acceleration and threshold:
         m [acc_mult[/acc_div] [thr]]    m default
    To set pixel colors:
         p pixel_value color_name
    To turn auto-repeat off or on:
        -r [keycode]        r off
         r [keycode]        r on
         r rate [delay [rate]]
    For screen-saver control:
         s [timeout [cycle]]  s default    s on
         s blank              s noblank    s off
         s expose             s noexpose
         s activate           s reset
    For status information:  q
    To print version: -version
[olivares@fedora ~]$

Is there a magic command to get this like it was before?

Thanks & Best Regards,


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