On 07/19/2010 05:27 PM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> On 07/20/2010 05:53 AM, Michael Miles wrote:
>>       I am finding it hard to deal with as RPMFusion and Fedora are two
>> seperate thing but when it blocks a update then yes I do think it is a
>> Fedora issue.
> Among the mainstream distributions,  Fedora is unique in that, it
> doesn't have a official non-free repository or repo for patent
> encumbered code.  Although RPM Fusion is as close as it gets,  it should
> be noted that RPM Fusion is a third party repository with a different
> infrastructure.  Fedora simply does not care about proprietary kernel
> modules or any third party kernel module for that matter.  If Fedora
> does, the kernel maintainers, add it as a patch rather than leave it as
> a kernel module package.   This means,  if you run a third party repo,
> support for it within Fedora is limited.
> Rahul
It's really too bad because if you want your Video card to work 100% you 
need the nvidia drivers.

Oh well, considering the two main Video companies is Nvidia and Ati it 
would be good to have a Fedora based driver that works 100%.
I am not knocking Nouveau but it still has a way to go before it can be 
called a driver replacement.

Thanks again for the answer back

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