Roger Heflin <> writes:
> He has a graphical login session.

I very clearly stated that I did not.  I boot to a text login prompt,
log in, and run "exec xinit .xsession -- -listen tcp -retro" (I have a
script for it called "x" :)

I've never had much luck getting login managers to run my weird
environment correctly.

> I am going to guess he is using straight-X windows with one of the
> ancient simple window managers (twm, mwm).

fvwm2 :-)

> DJ: are you the same DJ Delorie that did the work 30 years ago on
> djgcc for DOS?  If so, that was some good work.  I used it for some
> image processing work.

Yes.  You're welcome!  It's always good to hear that someone found my
work useful.
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