The instructions below worked for me and the created extra swap space (not as much as desired but I
can fix that)
~>swapon -s
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/dev/zram0 partition 8388604 390584100
/swapfile file 65532 0 -2
What do you mean by this may not be necessary. Is there a better way to
increase the swap space ?
On 3/23/22 04:55, Matti Pulkkinen wrote:
One reason this could happen is if you're trying to create the swapfile
on a btrfs filesystem. In that case you'll need to disable copy-on-
write on that file first:
1. truncate -s 0 /swapfile
2. chattr +C /swapfile
3. dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=65536
4. chmod 600 /swapfile
5. mkswap /swapfile
6. swapon /swapfile
However, all of this this may not be necessary, since recent releases
of Fedora have zram swap enabled by default anyway.
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