On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 4:32 PM, Sam Sharpe <lists.red...@samsharpe.net> wrote:
> On 19 July 2010 21:09, Marcel Rieux <m.z.ri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> This said, as this very message proves, it seems your only goal is to
>> add noise to this thread.
> There are 60 posts currently in this thread.
> Of those, the count per person is:
> Marcel Rieux - 20
> Rahul Sunderam - 9
As if I had only Sundaram's nonsense to reply to!

What's your opinion on Taibbi article? You wouldn't care about Red Hat
ripping off investors of hundreds of millions dollars? Do you really
believe it's only investor's craze that hiked shares from $14 to ~$300
when there was absolutely no reason to believe that Red Hat ever would
bring in such high revenue?

Did you notice that Sundaram's never replied to my message explaining
that pretending that OOo not having an autoreplace option because of
copyright matters is absolutely ridiculous since this replace option
is a basic high school exercise?

You sometimes have good technical solutions, I agreed with this, but,
otherwise, what do you care about?
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