Aaron Hagopian wrote:
> I filed a bug per Rich: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=616206
>     How did you create the ldif file in
>     "/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-<instance>/ldif/"?  Did you move the ldif
>     file there from elsewhere on your system?  That could explain why
>     your ldif file has an incorrect context of "var_t".
> Yes I moved the file there from another location.  I was just trying 
> to see if there is some acceptable directory.
>     Try creating a new file in
>     "/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-<instance>/ldif/" using 'touch', then run
>     'ls -lZ' to see what the SELinux context is on that new file.  It
>     should be "dirsrv_var_lib_t".
> Yes creating a new file in that directory gets dirsrv_var_lib_t.  I 
> did get it in once I was able to get my file to have that SELinux 
> attribute.  The ldif file was created on my production server which is 
> running 1.2.5.
> I can't say I know that much about SELinux but I imagine this may 
> become a problem for people upgrading to 1.2.6 who want to start 
> fresh?  Maybe can the db2ldif.pl <http://db2ldif.pl> utility add that 
> SELinux attribute?  Although that seems like it would go against the 
> point of SELinux if things can just add attributes as needed.  Does 
> the file not have the attribute because it was created in 1.2.5 or was 
> it because on my production machine, when I created the file (using 
> db2ldif.pl <http://db2ldif.pl>), I saved it to a directory other than 
> the SELinux one?  It looks like when I run the db2ldif.pl 
> <http://db2ldif.pl> command on my 1.2.6 machine it does add some 
> SELinux attributes.
> I think the main reason I don't use the 
> /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-<instance>/ldif/ file for my backups in the 
> first place is because by default the "nobody" user cannot write to 
> that directory. 
That's definitely a bug, possibly the real problem here.
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