...>From:        "c. marlow" <fedora @cwm030.com>
...>Date:        Mon, 14 Feb 2022 08:23:00 -0600
...>I am wanting to know, would gmail start considering all mail from my
...>domain as spam if it occasionally puts a piece of mail in the spam

I've had this setup for both gMail and Yahoo! for decades. This definitely was 
the case at one time. As the email address I've had for 35 years sucked in 
massive amounts of spam, Yahoo! determined the IP-Address of my hosting's mail 
server to be a spammer and set it on SpamCop's (or some similar service) banned 
sender list, who then wanted to extort me to have it removed. I finally needed 
to set up a commercial secondary hosting to send mail thru to Yahoo! and 
Hotmail family of accounts.

The "free" services may have gotten smarter in the meantime, however I still 
run into periodic disruptions and bounced mails when they tweak something.

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