On 1/10/22 19:19, Tim via users wrote:
Sam Varshavchik:
Someone who's already used traditional desktop environments, with
desktop shortcut icons, a taskbar (on top or the bottom), with
something that looks like a "Start" menu, a tray, a pager, and a
few other familiar UI icons – someone like that should be able to
hit the ground running with XFCE.

Samuel Sieb:
Of course, if you're going to use the exact same interactions, then
you probably don't need instructions.

If a graphical user interface needs instructions to be usable, it's
failed in its creation.  The whole point of having such an interface is
that you can see what's on offer, and how to use it.

Are you trying to tell me that if I gave a system running Mate to someone that has never used a computer, they would somehow automatically know how to use it?

But if you always keep everything the same as it has always been,
then where is the chance for improvement?
Or do you think Windows 95 was the ultimate desktop interface and
there can never be anything better?  That's basically what you're
describing. :-)

Don't ever hold up Windows as an example of good design!  But the idea,
which was *NOT* Windows invented, of organised menus, applications in
individual windows, and a taskbar to control them, is one of the most
productive interfaces.

Do you have any evidence for that? But besides, Gnome still has most of that. I have no need for a menu of applications or a taskbar. I have more screen space and quicker access without them.

Back to Gnome, I'd like to know just who thought redesigning the
interface of a desktop computer to use the design of a touchscreen
device, was a good idea.  Very few desktop systems have touchscreens.
Page after page of virtually randomly assorted icons (alphabetically
sorting them by their wierd names) is useless.  Terrible interface for

Are you aware that desktop systems are becoming a minority now. I had to convince my work to let me have a desktop instead of a laptop for software development. Almost everyone, in all the departments, uses a laptop now. The next generation is most familiar with phones and tablets. Even my wife prefers to use her phone to do everything instead of using a computer or laptop, which drives me a little nuts.

That list of applications can be arranged if you want. You can make folders and you can move the icons around. But I don't even use any of that. It's much faster to start applications with the keyboard. Press the Logo key, type a few characters, hit enter. With Mate, I would have to click on the applications menu, guess which category it would be under, carefully move the mouse to get the right menu, then click to start it. You're free to use whatever DE you want, but stop being so negative about Gnome. It's not helpful and what are you saying about all the people that actually like it and are very productive with it?
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