On 1/4/2022 7:04 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:

Until 4 weeks after the Fedora Linux 36 release. That's currently scheduled
for 2022-04-19, which makes EOL for Fedora Linux 34 2022-05-17.

I'm curious where you found the explanations that were confusing, and how we
could improve them.

for me, it's not necessarily that the explanations were confusing, but rather the section on the site itself.

for example: the currently supported releases of Fedora are under Past Releases > Supported Releases. even though 36 isn't out yet, it is very confusing to see the supposedly most current stable release be listed under Past Releases. there are also two other tabs: Development Releases and Upcoming Releases that are found above the Past Releases tab.

I guess all of this is to say that it *is* a bit confusing to navigate at first with all the different tabs. once you figure out what they actually mean, it's fine, though.

just my two cents on that. it's pretty comprehensive regardless.

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