On Sat, Dec 4, 2021 at 11:33 PM Gordon Messmer <gordon.mess...@gmail.com>

> On 12/4/21 19:15, murph nj wrote:
> >
> >
> > Got another opportunity, redirected lsof /home and lsof /other to
> > files, and there was no output.
> Interesting... Is there an error if you try to unmount those yourself?
Remember, all of the output (and the command line I'm typing on) is
immediately erased by the cylon eye, so I'll try (next time it does it) and
try to redirect stdout, and stderr to a file, typing blind.

> > I did get output from systemctl-list-jobs (edited lightly)
> >
> > JOB  UNIT                                  TYPE  STATE
> > 6039 systemd-cryptsetup@luks\x2dshome.service          stop  running
> > 6068 systemd-cryptsetup@luks\x2de<snip>8.service stop  running
> > 6055 systemd-cryptsetup@luks\x2dsother.service          stop  running
> > 6047 systemd-cryptsetup@luks\x2d2<snip>3.service stop  running
> Home and other make sense given your earlier comment, but what are the
> other two?  Do the number of entries in /etc/crypttab match the number
> of LUKS partitions?  (What's in /proc/mounts during the failed shutdown?)
I think they do line up, I'll do my best to confirm, and get the
information from /proc/mounts.
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