2021-11-18 11:25 UTC+01:00, Samuel Sieb <sam...@sieb.net>:
> On 11/18/21 02:21, Andras Simon wrote:
>> 2021-11-18 5:08 UTC+01:00, Ed Greshko <ed.gres...@greshko.com>:
>>> On 18/11/2021 11:39, linux guy wrote:
>>>> "And the "rm" man page also does not warn what would happen if one
>>>> enters
>>>> "rm -rf /home"."
>>>> Sorry, not the same context.   Giving an app a directory to use does
>>>> not
>>>> allow the app to delete data it didn't create.
>>> Quite apparently, it does in this case.
>> Just because dnf does it, it doesn't mean that it is allowed to do it.
>> In a very technical sense, yes, but then, say, firefox is also allowed
>> to wipe your home directory. dnf should've created a subdirectory of
>> /home and wiped *that*, afterwards. Just as other apps are creating
>> subdirectories of .config and do their thing there.
> Except that this is a very different case.  You're not telling dnf where
> it can create its own directory.  You are saying "this is your
> directory, use it".

Yes, you have a point. It's a much better argument, than "it could,
because it did". I still think the prudent (and simple) thing is to
create a subdirectory and wipe that. Or at least put a scary warning
in the documentation.
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