Good news Bad News..
Download and tested and have a mixed set of results.
Yes, your setup does boot you kernel and the g4l.img file.
Not sure if your g4l.img file is just an uncompressed 
version of the ramdisk.lzma.
62469461 Sep 12 16:40 g4l.img
28325385 Sep 11 20:19 ramdisk.lzma

If something else, please let me know.

As you said, it comes up with no network support, so the 
problem would be how to get all the ethernet support 
added, and don't know what all hardware for disk is 

You grub.cfg file had some options the other ones I tried 
didn't. The did just use linux and initrd without the efi 

I tried some other things, but leads to more questions.

Created a menuentry to try loading my kernel file, but 
still using your g4l.img file. But ended with just getting a 
blank screen. Just to fun, I added echo lines before and 
after the commands to see if it was actually doing 
Results - I got all the echos. 
Echo before loading /bz5x13.15
Echo before loading /g4l.img
and echo done after it??

So, it seems to be loading the kernel and g4l.img, but 
doesn't display any output. 

Perhaps the efi puts the video in some mode the standard 
kernel doesn't support?? Found a page that talked about 
efi not supporting vga? Tried adding debug option to 
kernel lines, but neither with your kernel or mine did it 
produce any additional output?? 

So, Problem of getting network support for the vmlinuz or 
getting my kernels to work with the efi video mode??

Thanks again. One step forward, One step back.

On 12 Sep 2021 at 0:54, Samuel Sieb wrote:

From:                   Samuel Sieb <>
Subject:                Re: Failure in gsetting up a UEFI USB 
Flash with Fedora 33??
Date sent:              Sun, 12 Sep 2021 00:54:09 -0700
Send reply to:          Community support for Fedora 
users <>

> On 2021-09-09 5:04 a.m., Michael D. Setzer II via users wrote:
> > Does anyone know of a process to make a UEFI USB Boot that actual works 
> > using Fedora??
> 1. Format your flash drive with a GPT partition table and a FAT32 partition.
> 2. Extract the tarball at into that partition. 
> (Sorry, I can't give the real link or an upstream spam filter will block 
> the email.  The file is at filebin.)
> 3. Boot it.
> It uses the Fedora kernel and I included the modules.  However, because 
> you have no process to load the modules when necessary, networking won't 
> work automatically.  You can either try using your static kernel or else 
> include something like udev to automatically load modules as needed.
> I didn't want to share a file from any personal servers.  That link will 
> expire in 6 days.
> It's very simple though.  I just used the F34 installer image and 
> removed almost everything.  I kept the EFI directory and added the 
> kernel and repacked the g4l initramfs with the kernel modules added to it.
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