On Fri, 2021-06-18 at 19:36 -0300, George N. White III wrote:
> > The power block says its output is 3A at 12V.
> > 
> > The drives are both WD model WD10EZEX, (though the label on one
> > says
> it
> > has a 64MB cache and the other doesn't). Both labels say 5VDC,
> > 0.68A
> > and 12VDC, 0.55A. Looks like the dock's power should be enough.
> > 
> The spec sheet <
> https://documents.westerndigital.com/content/dam/doc-library/en_us/assets/public/western-digital/product/internal-drives/wd-blue-hdd/product-brief-western-digital-wd-blue-pc-hdd.pdf
> > 
> says 12V peak load is 2.5 A.  It does take power to spin up to 7500
> RPM,
> and I doubt your
> supply could survive without staggered startup.

I see. That makes sense I guess, but 30 seconds is still a very long
time to wait for the first drive to reach speed before spinning up the
second one. Unfortunately the data sheet says nothing about start time.

> > 
> > > Amazon has a popular Sabrent disk-only dock -- one review notes:
> > > 
> > > Cons
> > > - when using 2 drives and plugging or unplugging one drive BOTH
> > > go offline, at least temporarily. NOTE: Seems to be a common
> limitation
> > > to all these docks. I have yet to find one that does not behave
> this
> > > way.
> > > Must be the way the SATA bus controller is designed.
> > > - when plugging in 2 drives, they mount sequentially, meaning you
> > > have to wait for one to mount before the other will
> > 
> > My problem is that one drive comes up almost instantly and the
> > other
> > takes 30 seconds. In fact I can live with that. My real gripe is
> > that
> > the kernel makes me wait even though the drive is not being
> > accessed.
> > If it just wants to make the drive available, it should be able to
> wait
> > asynchronously.
> > 
> Agreed, but then you need a way to tell the kernel that it won't need
> anything
> from the external drives so it is OK to continue booting.   Have you
> considered
> automounting the drives?

They are automounted, and have been ever since I started using them.
The drives are used almost exclusively for backup during the night,
which is why I want them spun down most of the time and started on


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