Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 6/4/21 2:05 PM, Samuel Sieb wrote:
>> You removed your text when quoting my email.  In the email I replied to,
>> you were quoting the grep line.  No mention of rm at all.
> We were, and are discussing the way rm acts in a shell script, so I expected
> that rm was the implied command.

I don't think that's entirely accurate.  :)

You quoted the portion which had `grep -Ev` in your reply:

    On 6/4/21 12:21 PM, Joe Wulf via users wrote:
    > The structure within the paren's looks like what would be used for a 'grep
    > -Ev' to find everything BUT that mix of patterns.

    Checking with the man page, I find that -v stands for verbose, telling you
    what's happening.

So Joe Wulf is explicitly talking about the -v option to
grep and your reply suggests that -v means verbose --
without any mention that you are referring to rm.

Within your own context that might have made perfect sense,
but I hope you can see how it's certainly not as clear to
others reading the various sub-threads in this topic. :)

Anyway, all of that was a distraction from the issue at
hand, which was the difference between interactive use with
extglob and non-interactive use without it.


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