Greetings my fellow Fedorans! I have a question / puzzle that I can't seem
to fix. Ok soooo

I am using
a Lenovo ThinkCenter M-83 / 32GB RAM / 500GB SSD
Installed a fresh copy of Fedora 34 on it and the install and initial setup
went without a hitch. I have failing eyes, and I prefer certain fonts when
I use the various apps and programs, to help my vision. I have opened the
Terminal and have tried to change the font to something, ANYTHING
"bold"?....but there's no bold fonts options. there's the Sans and
Monospace, but no Monospace "Bold". I've tried installing the font, but
even though it appears as an option with Gnome Tweaks?...and I've set it
there?...when I open the Terminal it STILL doesn't have any bold options!!
I've even made sure to install the RPM Fusion repos in the hopes that
they're in there, but nothing. Is there something that I need to do to get
the Monospace Bold Font back? I know its there in F33 (on my Dell XPS
running Fedora 33) so what happened? there no longer a way to get that
font?..or am I just losing brain cells? Did I miss something? Any help
would be greatly appreciated, and thank you all in advance!!


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