On 07/15/2010 11:20 AM, Frank Murphy wrote:
> On 15/07/10 10:37, RAMAKISHOREBABU KOPPULA wrote:
>> My laptop has a internal modem and RJ-11 connector. I want to connect
>> the phone line to the laptop and by using head phones I want to make
>> calls. How to do this? Is there any software available to do this?
>> Kishore
> Maybe?
> yum install ekiga
> Upstream:
> http://www.ekiga.org/
That's not what the user wants.
He just wants an app that will use the regular standard phone line
to make person to person calls using the local telco service.
He is not asking for a VOIP solution.
Ekiga (formerly called GnomeMeeting) is a VoIP and video conferencing 
application for GNOME and Windows. ...
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