On Tue, Jan 26, 2021 at 07:20:26AM +1030, Tim via users wrote:
> On Mon, 2021-01-25 at 11:32 -0500, Jonathan Billings wrote:
> > With Evoluion, the .desktop file provides has a lot of hints that it
> > is a mail reader.  For example, these are all set:  
> > 
> > X-GNOME-FullName=Evolution Mail and Calendar
> > 
> > Comment=Manage your email, contacts and schedule
> > 
> > Keywords=email;calendar;contact;addressbook;task;
> > 
> > Categories=GNOME;GTK;Office;Email;Calendar;ContactManagement;X-Red-
> > Hat-Base;
> While that's good, it's bad user-experience to have to hover over each
> item in a menu to find out what it is, instead of being able to easily
> tell just by reading the menu.
> At least in old Gnome, MATE, and some other desktops, you still have a
> structured menu where you can find things.  The desktops which have no
> menus and just splatter all your applications as a huge page, or pages,
>  of icons in alphabetical order (like tablets and mobile phones), are a
> user-interface disgrace.  Touch screens are all the more worse as you
> can't hover a pointer over an icon for a hint, you've got to do a long
> press and wait.  Everything about it makes it slower to use.

I agree that the lack of hierarchical menus is a pain in modern GNOME
implementations.  The keywords help for if you start typing at the
application menu, as well as finding the software in the GUI Software
application.  I feel like the deficiency isn't in the Desktop Entry
spec, but how the desktop environment is implemented, which is why I
still use MATE. 

Jonathan Billings <billi...@negate.org>
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