Greetings ,

I tried to run the command bellow and i was unsuccessful . Well  dnf clean all doesn't work either . Does anyone have any

clue as to what the messages below mean and what might have caused it ??

More importantly how do i rectify this situation ??

 dnf info sendmail
error: SELECT hnum, idx FROM 'Providename' WHERE key=?: 11: database disk image is malformed error: SELECT hnum, idx FROM 'Providename' WHERE key=?: 11: database disk image is malformed Unable to detect release version (use '--releasever' to specify release version) Config error: [Errno 30] Αναγνώσιμο-μόνο σύστημα αρχείων: '/var/tmp/dnf-kostassf-qkkm1e34/dnf.log': '/var/tmp/dnf-kostassf-qkkm1e34/dnf.log'
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