Greetings ,

As am browsing the internet category ( for example ) looking if there is anything interesting ( usually there are a lot  ) i find that programs like Viber,Skype, Anydesk are offered to be installed although there are alread installed on my computer . Well up to a point at least Discover seems to know which programs are already installed on my computer and just offer the option to remove them , BUT in some cases it would seem that it makes mistakes . Have i forgotten to configure / update something ( possibly a database Discover is looking ) ??? Is simpy Discover making a few mistakes every now and then as to which programs are already installed or am  Discover is unaware of the software installed and am simply supposed to do the thing myself ??

If i may ask , who tells Discover what is already installed and what not ?? Am i correct to assume that Discover offers a wast range of programs in various categories regardless of the way they are packaged ( rpm or otherwise ) ??

Am using Fedora 33 upgraded from Fedora 32 ( which was upgraded from Fedora 31 ) .

Kind Regards,
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