On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 7:56 PM, birger <bir...@birger.sh> wrote:

> You most certainly have something bogging down the system.

Agreed, and I still don't think anyone has enough information to know what
it is, except for the OP.

> Linux still rocks on old equipment once you disable the cpu and memory
> hogs. I don't really see the need for killing gnome.
It all depends on how you want to use your time.  If you want to re-tweak
your system with every new release, I suppose that's one option.

If you want a solution that doesn't depend on constantly proving your Linux
manhood, consider:

1. A light-weight desktop, or

2. Newer equipment.

As things are going, only (2) will keep you in the swim with all the latest
bells and whistles.

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