Thanks very much for everyone's help! 

I have written a script which did exactly what I wanted with regard to my 
conversions from sylpheed's MH to Mail dir folders. I borrowed from a perl 
script online that I had to modify and then used a bash script to handle 
folders and sub-folders. (I did not use Todd's suggestion here because I had 
already done it by then, so this can be improved.) I will include both scripts 
in case it is helpful for someone later on. Some changes (eg checking if the 
Maildir directory itself exists should be made to the script, but I did not 
need it because it did not, for me.)

Now the move to writing a muttrc which matches all the things I did with 
sylpheed (and more), phew!


My bash script:

# sylpheedMH2Maildir 
# Convert a sylpheed MH sequence of folders into a Maildir sequence of folders.
#       - Ranjan Maitra <> 
#        October 20, 2020   

echo $MHDIR
FOLDERSPre=$(find $MHDIR -mindepth 1 -type d)

mkdir $MAILDIR

for ff in $FOLDERSPre
    echo "Processing $ff"
    f=$(echo "$ff" | sed -e 's/mail/Maildir/')
    mkdir $f
    echo "Done with $f"

# now make the transfer using each sub-folder individually
# the strategy is to convert each sub-folder using MH-to-Maildir and
# then copy to the newly created Maildir sub-folder and then remove the 
# original folder, and then go on. Therefore it is important to do it
# in reverse order.

FOLDERSPost=$(find $MHDIR -mindepth 1 -type d | sort -r)

for ff in $FOLDERSPost
    f=$(echo "$ff" | sed -e 's/mail/Maildir/')
    echo "Converting $ff"
    echo "getting the root of $f"
    echo "root of $f is $g"
    MH-to-Maildir $ff $g
    rm -rf $ff
    echo "Done converting $ff"


Here is the perl script:

# Copyright © 2004 Vincent Untz <vincent>
# software and description found from:
# This software is available under the GPL
# Originally based on
# which is released under the GPL and is:
# Copyright Robin * Slomkowski, 2003
# Edited by Ranjan Maitra, 2020 (edit to remove .folder names and have folder 
names with Maildir)
# Also changed name to MH-to-Maildir (for greater clarity in what is being done)
# The convert_dirname function is based on the imap_utf7_encode_local function
# from Squirrelmail. The encodeBASE64 is based on the function of the same
# name from Squirrelmail.
# Squirrelmail is released under the GPL and is:
# Copyright (C) The SquirrelMail Project Team
# Useful reference for maildir:

use strict;
use File::Copy;
use Date::Parse;
use Sys::Hostname;

my $BASE_DIR = "$ENV{'HOME'}/Maildir";
my $DEBUG = 0;
my $use_sylpheed = 1;

    my($src_dir, $dir_name, $start_dir, $dst_dir);

    if ( $#ARGV < 0 ) {

    $start_dir = shift @ARGV;

    if ( "$ARGV[0]" ) {
        $dst_dir = shift @ARGV;
    } else {
        $dst_dir = $BASE_DIR;
    if (!($dst_dir =~ /\/$/)) {
        $dst_dir .= "/";

    -d $dst_dir or mkdir $dst_dir,0700 or die("Fatal: Directory $dst_dir 
doesn't exist and can't be created.\n");

    convert_dir($start_dir, $dst_dir);

    exit 0;

sub encodeBASE64 {
    my $s = shift @_;
    my $B64Chars = 
    my $p = 0;  # phase: 1 / 2 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 3...
    my $e = ''; # base64-encoded string
    my $t;
    my $i;

    for ($i = 0; $i < length($s); $i++) {
            my $c = substr($s, $i, 1);
            if ($p == 0) {
                    $e .= substr($B64Chars, ((ord($c) & 252) >> 2), 1);
                    $t = (ord($c) & 3);
                    $p = 1;
            } elsif ($p == 1) {
                    $e .= substr($B64Chars, (($t << 4) + ((ord($c) & 240) >> 
4)), 1);
                    $t = (ord($c) & 15);
                    $p = 2;
            } elsif ($p == 2) {
                    $e .= substr($B64Chars, (($t << 2) + ((ord($c) & 192) >> 
6)), 1);
                    $e .= substr($B64Chars, ord($c) & 63, 1);
                    $p = 0;

    # flush buffer
    if ($p == 1) {
            $e .= substr($B64Chars, $t << 4, 1);
    } elsif ($p == 2) {
            $e .= substr($B64Chars, $t << 2, 1);
    return $e;

sub convert_dirname {
    # input a directory
    # output the final part of the name.
    my $name = shift @_;
    my $b64_s = '';    # buffer for substring to be base64-encoded
    my $utf7_s = '';   # imap-utf7-encoded string
    my $i;
    $name =~ s@/$@@;
    $name =~ s@^.*/@@;

    for ($i = 0; $i < length($name); $i++) {
            my $c = substr($name, $i, 1);
            my $ord_c = ord($c);
            if ((($ord_c >= 0x20) and ($ord_c <= 0x25)) or
                (($ord_c >= 0x27) and ($ord_c <= 0x2d)) or
                (($ord_c >= 0x30) and ($ord_c <= 0x7e))) {
                    if ($b64_s) {
                            $utf7_s = $utf7_s . '&' . encodeBASE64($b64_s) .'-';
                            $b64_s = '';
                    $utf7_s = $utf7_s . $c;
            } elsif ($ord_c == 0x26) { # ampersand
                    if ($b64_s) {
                            $utf7_s = $utf7_s . '&' . encodeBASE64($b64_s) . 
                            $b64_s = '';
                    $utf7_s = $utf7_s . '&-';
            } else {
                    $b64_s = $b64_s . chr(0) . $c;

    # flush buffer
    if ($b64_s) {
            $utf7_s = $utf7_s . '&' . encodeBASE64($b64_s) . '-';
            $b64_s = '';
    return $utf7_s;

sub find_time {
    my $file = shift @_;
    my $time = undef;

    open DATA, $file;
    while (<DATA>) {
        # end headers
        if ( $_ eq "\n" ) {

        if ($_ =~ /(for .*; |id .*; |^\s+)(\w+, \d+ \w{3} \d{4} \d+:\d+:\d+ 
[+\-]\d{4})/) {
            my $timestring = $2;
            my $t = str2time($timestring);
            print "DEBUG5: $timestring -> $t\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
            if ( $t > $time ) {
                $time = $t;
    close DATA;

    if (!defined ($time)) {
        # we use mtime
        $time = (stat ($file))[9];
        warn "WARN: no time found in $file" if $DEBUG > 0;

    return $time;

sub find_all {
    my $src_dir = shift @_;
    my $file = shift @_;
    my $time = undef;
    my $flags;
    my %info = ();

    $flags = 'read';

    $info{"new"} = 0;

    if ($file =~ /^,/) {
        $flags .= 'deleted';
        $info{"msgcount"} = $file;
        $info{"msgcount"} =~ s/^,//;
        $info{"host"} = hostname."del";
    } else {
        $info{"msgcount"} = $file;
        $info{"host"} = hostname;

    # OK now lets read the file
    open DATA, "$src_dir/$file";

    while (<DATA>) {
        # end headers
        if ( $_ eq "\n" ) {

        # check for replied
        if ($_ =~ /^Replied: / && $flags !~ /reply/) {
            $flags .= 'reply';

        if ($_ =~ /(for .*; |id .*; |^\s+)(\w+, \d+ \w{3} \d{4} \d+:\d+:\d+ 
[+\-]\d{4})/) {
            my $timestring = $2;
            my $t = str2time($timestring);
            print "DEBUG5: $timestring -> $t\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
            if ( $t > $time ) {
                $time = $t;
    close DATA;

    if (!defined ($time)) {
        # we use mtime
        $time = (stat ("$src_dir/$file"))[9];
        warn "WARN: no time found in $src_dir/$file" if $DEBUG > 0;

    $info{"time"} = $time;

    $info{"flags"} = "";
    $info{"flags"} .= 'R' if $flags =~ /reply/; # Replied to.
    $info{"flags"} .= 'S' if $flags =~ /read/; # Seen or Read.
    $info{"flags"} .= 'T' if $flags =~ /deleted/; # Tagged for deletion.

    return %info;

sub convert_dir {
    my $src_dir = shift @_;
    my $dst_dir = shift @_;
    my $msg_counter = 0;
    my $no_sylpheed_mark;
    my $dir_name;
    my $folder;

    $dir_name = convert_dirname($src_dir);
    $dst_dir .= "$dir_name";    #RM: changed from ".$dir_name"
    maildirmake ($dst_dir);

    $no_sylpheed_mark = (!-f "$src_dir/.sylpheed_mark" || !$use_sylpheed);
    $folder = read_sylpheed_mark($src_dir) if (!$no_sylpheed_mark);
    $no_sylpheed_mark = 1 if ($no_sylpheed_mark || keys (%$folder) == 0);

    opendir DIR, "$src_dir" || die "$!: cannot open $src_dir\n";
    foreach (readdir DIR) {
        print "DEBUG1: print now working on $src_dir file $_\n" if $DEBUG > 1;

        if (-d "$src_dir/$_" && $_ ne "." && $_ ne "..") {
            convert_dir("$src_dir/$_", $dst_dir);
        } elsif ( $_ =~ /^,{0,1}\d+$/  && -f "$src_dir/$_" ) {
            my $file;
            my $messagefn;
            my $info;

            $file = $_;
            if ($no_sylpheed_mark) {
                $info = find_all ($src_dir, $file);
            } else {
                $info = $folder->{$file};
                $info->{"time"} = find_time ("$src_dir/$file");

            if ($info->{"new"}) {
                $messagefn = "new/";
            } else {
                $messagefn = "cur/";
            # See for the format of the
            # file name.
            $messagefn .= sprintf ("%d.%d_%d.%s:2,%s", $info->{"time"}, $$,
                                    $info->{"msgcount"}, $info->{"host"}, 

            copy "$src_dir/$file", "$dst_dir/$messagefn";
            chmod 0600, "$dst_dir/$messagefn";
            utime $info->{"time"}, $info->{"time"}, "$dst_dir/$messagefn";
            print "DEBUG: wrote $dst_dir/$messagefn\n" if $DEBUG > 0;

    closedir DIR;
    print "INFO: messages in ${dst_dir}: $msg_counter\n";

sub read_sylpheed_mark
    my $src_dir = shift @_;
    my %folder = ();
    my $version;
    my $version_int;
    my $message;
    my $message_int;
    my $flags;
    my $flags_int;
# Useful stuff defined in sylpheed source code:
#    From: defs.h:
##define MARK_FILE        ".sylpheed_mark"
##define MARK_VERSION     2
#    From procmsg.h:
##define MSG_NEW          (1U << 0)
##define MSG_UNREAD       (1U << 1)
##define MSG_MARKED       (1U << 2)
##define MSG_DELETED      (1U << 3)
##define MSG_REPLIED      (1U << 4)
##define MSG_FORWARDED    (1U << 5)
# The mark file is organized like this:
#   * one 4 bytes integer containing the version number
#   * then a loop:
#       * 4 bytes integer for the message number
#       * 4 bytes integer for the flags of the message
    open (MARK, "$src_dir/.sylpheed_mark") || return undef;
    binmode MARK;
    # read mark version number. We understand version 2.
    if (read (MARK, $version, 4) != 4) {
        print "$src_dir/.sylpheed_mark: corrupted .sylpheed_mark: no version 
        return ();
    $version_int = unpack ('I', $version);
    if ($version_int != 2) {
        print "$src_dir/.sylpheed_mark: .sylpheed_mark in a version we don't 
        return ();

    while (1) {
        if (read (MARK, $message, 4) != 4) {
            return \%folder;
        $message_int = unpack ('I', $message);
        if (read (MARK, $flags, 4) != 4) {
            print "$src_dir/.sylpheed_mark: corrupted .sylpheed_mark: there are 
no flags for message $message\n";
            return \%folder;
        $flags_int = unpack ('I', $flags);

# How to write the info for maildir files, from
#     Here, info represents the state of the message, and it consists of zero
#     or more boolean flags chosen from the following: "D" - this is a 'draft'
#     message, "R" - this message has been replied to, "S" - this message has
#     been viewed (seen), "T" - this message has been marked to be deleted
#     (trashed), but is not yet removed (messages are removed from maildirs
#     simply by deleting their file), "F" - this message has been marked by the
#     user, for some purpose. These flags must be stored in alphabetical order.
#     New messages contain only the :2, suffix, with no flags, indicating that
#     the messages were not seen, replied, marked, or deleted.

        $folder{$message_int}{"msgcount"} = $message_int;
        $folder{$message_int}{"host"} = hostname;
        if ($flags_int & 1) {
            $folder{$message_int}{"new"} = 1;
        } else {
            $folder{$message_int}{"new"} = 0;

        if (!$folder{$message_int}{"new"} == 1) {
            $folder{$message_int}{"flags"} = "";
            $folder{$message_int}{"flags"} .= "F" if ($flags_int & 4); # 
            $folder{$message_int}{"flags"} .= "R" if ($flags_int & 16); # 
            $folder{$message_int}{"flags"} .= "S" if (!($flags_int & 2)); # 
            $folder{$message_int}{"flags"} .= "T" if ($flags_int & 8); # 

# The maildirmake function
# ------------------------
# It does the same thing that the maildirmake binary that
# comes with courier-imap distribution
sub maildirmake {
    foreach(@_) {
        -d $_ or mkdir $_,0700 or die("Fatal: Directory $_ doesn't exist and 
can't be created.\n");

        -d "$_/tmp" or mkdir("$_/tmp",0700) or die("Fatal: Unable to make 
$_/tmp/ subdirectory.\n");
        -d "$_/new" or mkdir("$_/new",0700) or die("Fatal: Unable to make 
$_/new/ subdirectory.\n");
        -d "$_/cur" or mkdir("$_/cur",0700) or die("Fatal: Unable to make 
$_/cur/ subdirectory.\n");

sub usage {
    print "usage: $0 SourceDirectory/ [DestinationRoot/]\n";
    exit 1;

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