After successfully testing an OpenVPN link on a x86_64, I get the following error on aarch64, as root:

# nmcli connection import type ovpn file <file>.ovpn
Error: failed to find VPN plugin for ovpn.

Both systems have openvn, NetworkManager-openvpn, and NetworkManager-openvpn- gnome packages installed.

journalctl -f is completely silent, during this.

The only thing I can think of: the x86_64 server is headless, but has a user session autologging into a desktop, on the console. The aarch64 VM is also headless. In both cases I'm ssh-ing in. Maybe something gets started when there's a desktop login, that's required for this. The only thing I see running, on the x86_64 server is nm-applet, that surely can't be required. The x86_64 server desktop login is not a root login, but I can ssh to the x86_64 server, as root, and install the same ovpn connection without any issues.

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