I use Ultimaker  Cura. and Slic3r.
Cura has an AppImage that I just download, make executable and it works.
Usually I create an entry for it on my App Menu
Likewise with Slic3r

BTW, I just checked and it seems that the version on the Fedora
Repositories (updates) is up to date. Last tiem I checked they were a
little behind, so maybe your simplest path is to 'dnf install cura'
Likewise for Slic3r.


On Wed, Jul 15, 2020 at 5:06 PM Tom Horsley <horsley1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What do folks use these days for 3d printing from fedora?
> I can download RepetierHost and it seems to function (at least
> it brings up a GUI screen, haven't tried a print yet).
> Any better options out there?
> (I notice the initial burst of enthusiasm seems to have died
> down with no recent updates to any fedora 3d printing pages
> I could find).
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