Samuel Sieb wrote:
> On 7/2/20 1:00 PM, Beartooth wrote:
>>      Might we (pretty please!) get one more choice on the screen for
>> choosing colors? It could be labelled "output" and work just like text,
>> background, and (optionally) bold; or it could use the bold color by
>> default.
> The default color is the default color, there's no distinguishing between
> typing and output.

Assuming I'm reading the request right, this part
specifically is about adjusting the coloring in the
terminal; making the commands which are input a different
color than the output.

For that case, while you can't do it from a setting at the
terminal level, you can do it in bash¹ by setting PS1 to set
the color of the prompt and input, then calling tput to
reset the color for the output via a trap call.  Details:

So you'd set the default color for the terminal to the color
you wanted for output and then the PS1 variable would set
the color(s) for the prompt and input.  There's a lot of
possibilities there.  It's surely not done in quite the way
you asked for it, Beartooth, but I think the end result
you're looking for can be achieved.

¹ I don't know about other shells, but it wouldn't surprise
in the slightest if other shells could do something similar.
I'd be hard pressed to bet against zsh lacking such support.


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