nftable.conf is setup as:

flush ruleset
table inet nat {
        chain postrouting {
                type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
                masquerade random,persistent
table inet filter {
        chain input {
                type filter hook input priority filter; policy drop;
                counter jump block
        chain forward {
                type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
                counter jump block
        chain output {
                type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept;
        chain block {
                ct state { established, related } counter accept comment 
"accept all connections related to connections made by us"
                iifname "enp1s0" counter accept
                iifname "enp2s0" counter accept
                iif "lo" accept comment "accept loopback"
                tcp dport xxxxx counter accept comment "accept SSH"
                counter log prefix "IPTABLES IN= " level crit flags tcp 
                counter drop comment "count dropped packets"

After it runs for a few minutes it adds the following at the bottom of the

table ip filter {
        chain INPUT {
                type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept;
                counter packets 214 bytes 18153 jump block

        chain FORWARD {
                type filter hook forward priority filter; policy accept;
                counter packets 525 bytes 85145 jump block

        chain OUTPUT {
                type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept;

        chain block {

I can't explain this, can anyone else do so?


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