On 5/1/20 1:32 PM, sean darcy wrote:
I got here with:

dnf system-upgrade download
dnf system-upgrade reboot

Then what was that comment about the installer failing? Did you mean the boot?

grub shows the FC32 kernel. When I boot from that fc32 kernel, I get this LoaderDevicePartUUID error. The recovery shell you're dropped into does not have a mount command !

Have you tried with an earlier kernel version from the boot menu?
How old is the "rescue" boot entry? Does that work for mounting the USB stick?

I can get into the machine using Troubleshooting from an FC32 usb-stick. But I have no clue how I'd go about fixing this.

Which image are you using?  A live desktop or a net installer?

It might be simpler to just re-install at this point. I assume you followed the standard install and have your /home on a separate partition. You can use the live boot to make a backup of any important data if you want to be extra safe.
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