You have to type your password and then figure out what is going wrong.

Any number of things can be messed up.    Often if one adds a fstab
entry and does it wrong systemd will drop you to emergency mode.
Mountpoint mising, path to device wrong.   If you did mess with fstab
recently then add ",nofail" on the entries that aren't directly
related to the OS and that will at least get it up and on the network.

You should read the screen, and use shift-pageup/shift-pagedown to
carefully go back and read the boot output and maybe it will tell you.
  If you have doubt on what your are reading then take photos of it.

On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 6:24 AM Paul Smith <> wrote:
> Dear All,
> This morning, I tried to run VirtualBox, but it did not start. Then I
> tried to do a reboot and while booting, I got into emergency mode. I
> typed my root password and issued the command
> systemctl reboot
> It reboots, but again I got locked into emergency mode.
> How can I overcome this?
> Thanks in advance,
> Paul
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