On 2020-04-15 01:39, Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming wrote:
On 2020-04-15 03:15, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
On 2020-04-14 02:01, Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming wrote:
Good afternoon from Singapore,

What are the differences between RHEL and Fedora Server? Because I think both RHEL and Fedora Server are from Red Hat Inc.

When do I use RHEL?

When do I use Fedora Server?

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you.

Hi Turritopsis,

Red Hat kind of sponsors Fedroa and uses a lot of
its designs, but Fedroa is a whole bunch of other
people too.  RHEL is all Red hat.

The difference are

Fedora is a Kaisen (constant improvement) Operating
System.  RHEL is anti-Kaisen.

What is Kaisen? Constant Improvement?

I misspelled it.  It is Kaizen and it means
"Continuous Improvement"

William Edwards Deming -- inventor of the Kaizen Principle

    Continuous Improvement

    Deming’s concept was that it was everyone’s job to
    continually make incremental improvements in everything
    we do. All the time, never ending, always improving.
    Japan took this concept to heart, to the point where
    any factory worker was authorized to (indeed, they
    were expected to) walk off the factory line, pull
    an automotive engineer into a conference room, and
    show the engineer how making a tiny change in the
    car’s design would save 5 seconds on the factory
    floor. Or 3 seconds. Or 1 second.

    They weren’t revolutionizing the design, they were
    making small, incremental improvements, and they
    were doing it continuously.

    This is how the company that made the Datsun B210
    grew up to make the Nissan Altima.


   In Japanese, the word Kaizen means “improvement” or
   “change for the best”. Kaizen is the term most
   commonly associated with the Deming Continuous
   Improvement Cycle. The Deming Cycle can be summarized
   as Plan->Do->Check->Act.

Fedora epitomizes Kaizen:  All the time, never ending,
always improving.  Fedora just keeps getting better
and better and better.

I now only run Fedora servers.  I dumped RHEL clones
two years ago and have not looked back.

RHEL clones as in CentOS?

Yes, and scientific Linux as well.
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