(On 3/14/20 6:33 PM, Samuel wrote)
> That's probably not what you think it is. ...
Well, what I thought it was, was that when it was done booting, all I
would get is an old-fashioned command line interface, with many but not
all Linux commands. No GUIs. It should have ls, vim, grep, more, cd,
mkdir, man, shell scripting, cp, mv, rmdir, chmod, rm, and everything
else needed to diagnose and fix problems, and make changes because of
hardware changes. It should be able to access the entire hard drive
that is not windows-7 space. I'm hoping it has memtester, but I don't know.
A key reason for wanting to do the memory test from the rescue mode (if
it's available there) is that the test should be run with a minimum of
other things running, so a maximum percent of memory is free, and
available to the memory test to test. Booting from the USB flash drive
gives me a full? Gnome desktop, which uses much more memory. A
non-rescue boot from the hard drive also gives me a full Gnome or KDE or
(etc.) desktop.
> If you delete the existing rescue kernel and initrd from
> /boot, the next kernel install will generate a new one.
There's quite a lot in there:
config-5.* (3 files)
efi (sub-dir)
grub (sub-dir)
grub2 (sub-dir)
initramfs-* (5 files)
loader (sub-dir)
lost+found (sub-dir)
System.map-5.* (3 files)
vmlinuz-* (4 files)
Which ones (or something in a sub-directory) should go to the bit-bucket?
> However, what you're really looking for, you already have
> with the live boot. If you boot from the live image, in
> the grub menu is a troubleshooting submenu. In there you'll
> find the memtester option.
There is no hint of a grub menu when I boot from the USB flash drive. I
must make the choice to boot from the USB flash drive from within the
bios interface, and I have to get into that before the grub menu shows
up. Once the grub menu appears, it's too late to boot up from the USB
flash drive. The grub menu has no option to boot up from anything other
than my one hard drive.
Is there a grub menu *in* the Gnome desktop that appears when the boot
from the USB flash drive is done? How do I access it?
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