On Saturday, February 22, 2020 8:03:22 PM MST home user wrote:
> The original desire for a way to occasionally check for hack-in attempts 
> is satisfied by the 2 commands "lastb" and "last" suggested by Ed.  
> Other related issues came up in this thread; I trust that they've been 
> addressed.  My sense is that my firewall is as it should be.  The 
> suggestions fail2ban, Wireshark, and OSSEC strike me as overkill, and 
> difficult for a non-sysadmin non-security person, so I'm passing on those.
> Patching the workstation (I do that weekly) and upgrading 
> (semi-annually) could change things like the firewall without me 
> knowing.  I've known these to create new groups and log-in names.  Thus 
> the desire to be able to occasionally check things (beyond what 
> chkrootkit and rkhunter do).  I've also been getting a lot of e-mails 
> from addresses ending with ".ng" which are not spam (advertising) but 
> probably are malicious (not sure; I just delete them).  Recently, I've 
> also started getting messages from addresses ending in "qq.com" 
> (normally those would be from China) just like the ".ng" messages.  
> These ".ng" and ".qq.com" messages have html attachments.  There are 
> other subtle hints of trouble.  So I hope you understand my concern, and 
> some desire to keep an eye on things.
> I thank the 9 list members who contributed to this thread for their time 
> and effort helping me.  I've marked this thread "SOLVED".  But I will 
> continue to watch it for further posts.
> Bill.

Glad to hear it. A quick note, Fedora Workstation (what I refer to as the 
"GNOME Spin") may send out an update which resets your firewall to their 
defaults, which would open you back up to attacks. I'll pass this along, and 
hopefully we can get a more sane firewall into Fedora's GNOME experience 
within the year..

John M. Harris, Jr.

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