For several years I've been using a Windows VM with passthrough graphics as a gaming platform. It works pretty well, but ties up machine resources even when idle, so I'm now experimenting with Valve's Linux version of Steam with the Proton additions to the Wine libraries. I've disabled the VM, installed the latest proprietary Nvidia drivers, modified grub appropriately and rebooted. The Nvidia modules are loaded. The nvidia-settings command shows the GPU.
However when I run games under Steam, they are using the internal Intel GPU, making this configuration essentially unusable for AAA gaming (i.e. games will start but are unplayably slow). I can find no documentation on how to change this (whether via a global Steam option or even individually for each game). For the record, Linux Steam is a 32-bit executable, but I don't think this should affect anything (my machine is 64-bit). Has anyone done this successfully on Fedora? There are any number of Google hits on similar themes, but mainly focussed on Ubuntu, which is what Valve are mostly aiming at. poc _______________________________________________ users mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct: List Guidelines: List Archives: