On 07/01/2010 11:20 AM, JD wrote:
>    On 07/01/2010 10:42 AM, Tom Horsley wrote:
>> Unfortunately, enabling or disabling IPV6 doesn't seem to have
>> much to do with the library doing V6 DNS lookups. I could
>> swear there was something added to nsswitch.conf or resolv.conf
>> that you could set to disable v6 dns requests, but I can't
>> remember what it was called.
>> I run bind as a caching nameserver, forwarding lookups to my
>> ISP's server and set the -4 option on the command line to
>> make it stick to ipv4 and all my DNS lookup problems vanished.
> bind is too complex to run and maintain.
> Really, it is a huge overkill for what I need.
> I hope nscd authors will fix it soon so it does not
> purge it's cache every few seconds. I check'ed it's
> config file and the
> restart-interval        3600
> seems reasonable.

Please check the "positive-time-to-live" option in the "hosts" section
of /etc/nscd.conf and make sure it's set to 3600.

"restart-interval" is only of use if you have "paranoia" set to "yes".
It's set to "no" by default, so "restart-interval" isn't even used.
"man nscd.conf" for further info.  I think these are where your problems
are.  I use nscd assiduously and it doesn't behave like that for me.

If you really want to disable IPV6, edit
/etc/modprobe.conf/blacklist.conf and add a line:

        blacklist ipv6

Go through any /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* scripts and if
you see any "IPV6INIT=" or "IPV6_AUTOCONF=" lines, make sure they're set
to "no".  Finally, edit /etc/sysconfig/network and if you see a
"NETWORKING_IPV6=yes" line, either remove it or set it to "no".  Reboot
and ipv6 goes bye-bye.

Sidenote: Of course, 'twould be better if all ISPs did IPV6 correctly.
We WILL need it eventually.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, C2 Hosting          ri...@nerd.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
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