On Tue, 2020-01-28 at 21:59 +0800, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 2020-01-28 20:35, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > As the OP implied, some of us like to start a session with a set of
> > windows preloaded on specific desktops (and even in tabs in those
> > windows). Can the FN+FX technique deal with this?
> I don't know what "tabs in those window" means.

Example: I have a window with two email accounts and several other
things in it. Another window is open to several news sites. Those two
windows live on the same desktop. A third window is open to a
crosswords page and lives on a desktop where I have a large Konsole
window, so I can easily open URLs without switching desktops. There are
several others (6 desktops in total) but that's the general idea.

> But my requirements are rather simple.  I have 6 desktops and 2 screens.  
> Using the "Windows Rules"
> I've defined a set of rules for my commonly used applications so when they 
> are started the will be placed
> on the desktop and screen and size and coordinates I want them. 

Again, I don't know how this works when a single application has
multiple windows on different desktops, especially if those windows
have multiple tabs. Maybe you don't do that.

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