I'm running Fedora 31/KDE and it is great.  Fantastic, actually.   Kudos to
the team that delivers and supports Fedora, release after release.  Things
just keep getting better and better and the update process is so smooth and
easy.  Especially compared to those other operating systems...

However, F31/KDE isn't perfect.   Here are a few things that could be

1) There is a bug that creates distortion in playing audio via HDMI
monitors.   I frequently have to do a pulseaudio -k to reset things.

2) There is a bug when running dual monitors and the left monitor is
rotated and not the primary monitor.   I have to start SystemSettings and
force a reinitialization every time I reboot.

3) There is a bug wherein the HDMI monitor I want my audio played on isn't
saved.   It always wants to play on the first (left most) monitor.   I have
to start pauvolume and select my primary monitor every time I reboot.

4) It would be really, really nice if KDE remembered which desktop an
application was on when you rebooted after doing a forced shutdown.  For
example, sometimes I have 30 Firefox browsers open on various topics,
spread across 3 or 4 desktops, plus some PDFs in viewers and a few Konsole
sessions and a few Kwrite documents... and a large update comes along that
I need to apply that requires a reboot.

Generally I do a #dnf update followed by a #shutdown -r now.

When I reboot and login to a new session, Firefox allows me to restore all
my open browsers, but it doesn't remember which Desktop they were on... so
I have to manually sort them.   Likewise Konsole sessions don't remember
what Desktop they were in, nor the path they were open to.   Would be nice
if they did.

5) There is an unintended behavior whereby if I open a document fullsize on
one screen, it goes fullsize on any screen I move it to.

For example, I run a 22" monitor in portrait mode to the left of my primary
43" 4K monitor.   I often fullscreen a document in the side monitor to
refer to while I am working on something on the primary monitor.   If I
then drag the document from the side monitor to the primary 4K monitor, it
goes fullscreen there.   And then I have to resize it.  It would be nice if
it stayed the same size, pixel wise, when it moves from screen to screen.

6) My mouse doesn't move enough...

My desktop is very wide.   A side 1920x1080 monitor running in portrait
beside a 4K monitor.   I have my mouse speed/acceleration turned right up,
but I often run out of space on my mouse pad before I can move across or
even up and down my desktop.  It would be nice if there was more
speed/acceleration so less hand movement was required.

Enough of the negative... how about some things I absolutely love about
Linux/Fedora/KDE Plasma...

1) Putting a panel anywhere I want !  When you've got this much screen real
estate, you need several of them.

2) Multiple desktops.   OMG, I could never live without multiple desktops.
So nice to be able to sort tasks into desktops and then jump from desktop
to desktop to handle things.

3) The way task manager groups and displays apps in the panel.  So nice...
but... I wish there was a way to sort and search instances within a task
list... like if I have 7 Firefox browsers open on a desktop, be able to
arrange them in a certain order (gmail at the bottom, for example) or find
all the browsers that have YouTube open in them.   That sort of thing.

4) dnf update.  Dnf in general.  Has there ever been such a great package
manager ?   I can remember complaining going from Yum to DNF, but I was
wrong !

I love how I'll get a desktop notification for updates, I can run dnf
update (when I want), view what is available, stop the update, update
select packages, etc.  Updates work around me, I don't have to work around
updates.   And the update process is unobtrusive, it can generally run in
the background without interrupting my work.  (On a faster multicore
machine, anyway.)

5) Konsole.  I love me some Konsole sessions.  Especially the way you can
right click and open Dolphin in the directory you are working in from
Dolphin.  And especially how you can open Konsole from Dolphin.

6) The stability.

I can start work on Monday and run all week without rebooting or even
logging out.  My computer never freezes or stumbles or loses data.  It's
fantastic.  I never have to reboot and get organized again.  I work.  I go
away.  I come back.  And everything is just the way I left it.

7) The ability to mount just about any file system ever.

'nuff said.

I'll leave it at that.   To say I am enjoying and appreciating
Linux/Fedora/KDE these days is an understatement.

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