On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 6:24 AM Paul Smith <phh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Could you please suggest me the best way to copy the home directory to
> a new computer?
      If it is just the home directory, you have access to it --
mounted the hard drive to new computer or old computer is accessible
through network -- and both are some kind of OSX/Linux/BSD/Other_Unix,
I would use rsync.


rsync --partial --progress -avz source-location destination-location

If, say, source computer is accessible from network, source-location
might look like "ssh user@old_box:."

I like the --partial option because if things go boink you can
continue copying an incomplete file without having to start over.

There are also options to slow down the transfer so you will not hog
the network.

Fun fact: I use something like that to backup my Android phone.

> Thanks in advance,
> Paul
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