Tom Horsley writes:

On Sat, 11 Jan 2020 15:42:02 -0500
Sam Varshavchik wrote:

> Is anyone also having problems with this update.

No problem here with firefox-72.0.1-1.fc31.x86_64
I just went to and it displayed stuff
normally (I don't usually use firefox, so this
is probably the first time I months I've run it).

I held all Fedora updates for the last couple of weeks, and only updated firefox in order to pick up the critical vulnerability fix. I was planning to update fully again next week, but decided to just grab the firefox update now. The firefox 72 rpm installed without conflicts, but firefox just kept flipping me the finger, shaped like a blank page. It was not crashing, and there were no error messages if I ran it from a terminal. Just a big F. U. white screen.

On a few occasions, Firefox started to load my home page, but reached the conclusion that – my home page – was corrupted.

I determined that this ust be a hidden ABI breakage with one of the dependent packages. Firefox 72 started working again after I installed all available updates.

I reproduced this on three different machines, this sequence of events: firefix update is broke by itself, but starts working once all available Fedora updates are installed. Or if I downgrade to 71.0.15. But I ran out of available machines to experiment with. They're all now fully updated.

But I grabbed the complete list of packages that was updated on one of the boxes, if anyone wishes to find the ABI breakage violator.

One of the following packages must have an ABI break in it, that the current firefox build has a dependency on:
kernel                 x86_64 5.4.8-200.fc31     updates-released-local   42 k
kernel-core            x86_64 5.4.8-200.fc31     updates-released-local   31 M
kernel-modules         x86_64 5.4.8-200.fc31     updates-released-local   29 M
alsa-firmware          noarch 1.2.1-4.fc31       updates-released-local  3.8 M
blender-fonts          noarch 1:2.81a-3.fc31     updates-released-local  4.7 M
dconf-editor           x86_64 3.34.3-1.fc31      updates-released-local  641 k
eog                    x86_64 3.34.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local  3.1 M
epiphany-runtime       x86_64 1:  updates-released-local  1.4 M
exo                    x86_64 0.12.11-1.fc31     updates-released-local  690 k
firefox                x86_64 72.0.1-1.fc31      updates-released-local   98 M
geolite2-city          noarch 20191217-1.fc31    updates-released-local   23 M
geolite2-country       noarch 20191217-1.fc31    updates-released-local  1.7 M
gjs                    x86_64 1.58.4-1.fc31      updates-released-local  453 k
glib-networking        x86_64 2.62.3-1.fc31      updates-released-local  155 k
glib2                  x86_64 2.62.4-1.fc31      updates-released-local  2.6 M
gnome-autoar           x86_64 0.2.4-1.fc31       updates-released-local   56 k
gnome-desktop3         x86_64 3.34.3-1.fc31      updates-released-local  555 k
gnome-shell            x86_64 3.34.3-1.fc31      updates-released-local  1.5 M
hwdata                 noarch 0.331-1.fc31       updates-released-local  1.4 M
iagno                  x86_64 3.34.4-1.fc31      updates-released-local  609 k
ibus-typing-booster    noarch 2.7.4-1.fc31       updates-released-local  593 k
iptables               x86_64 1.8.3-7.fc31       updates-released-local  466 k
iptables-libs          x86_64 1.8.3-7.fc31       updates-released-local   56 k
iptables-services      x86_64 1.8.3-7.fc31       updates-released-local   16 k
kernel-headers         x86_64 5.4.7-200.fc31     updates-released-local  1.2 M
kf5-kdeclarative       x86_64 5.64.0-2.fc31      updates-released-local  297 k
kf5-kwayland           x86_64 5.64.0-2.fc31      updates-released-local  510 k
kf5-kxmlgui            x86_64 5.64.0-2.fc31      updates-released-local  805 k
kwin                   x86_64 5.17.4-2.fc31      updates-released-local   35 k
kwin-common            x86_64 5.17.4-2.fc31      updates-released-local  2.7 M
kwin-libs              x86_64 5.17.4-2.fc31      updates-released-local  1.5 M
langtable              noarch 0.0.50-1.fc31      updates-released-local   46 k
libinput               x86_64 1.15.0-1.fc31      updates-released-local  204 k
libnfsidmap            x86_64 1:2.4.2-3.rc3.fc31 updates-released-local   72 k
libtirpc               x86_64 1.2.5-0.fc31       updates-released-local   97 k
libxml2                x86_64 2.9.10-2.fc31      updates-released-local  693 k
mkpasswd               x86_64 5.5.4-1.fc31       updates-released-local   41 k
mutter                 x86_64 3.34.3-1.fc31      updates-released-local  2.6 M
nfs-utils              x86_64 1:2.4.2-3.rc3.fc31 updates-released-local  451 k
nspr                   x86_64 4.24.0-1.fc31      updates-released-local  138 k
nss                    x86_64 3.48.0-1.fc31      updates-released-local  665 k
nss-softokn            x86_64 3.48.0-1.fc31      updates-released-local  424 k
nss-softokn-freebl     x86_64 3.48.0-1.fc31      updates-released-local  236 k
nss-sysinit            x86_64 3.48.0-1.fc31      updates-released-local   20 k
nss-tools              x86_64 3.48.0-1.fc31      updates-released-local  528 k
nss-util               x86_64 3.48.0-1.fc31      updates-released-local   90 k
openvdb-libs           x86_64 7.0.0-1.fc31       updates-released-local  877 k
poppler                x86_64 0.73.0-15.fc31     updates-released-local  1.1 M
poppler-glib           x86_64 0.73.0-15.fc31     updates-released-local  156 k
poppler-qt             x86_64 0.73.0-15.fc31     updates-released-local  183 k
poppler-qt5            x86_64 0.73.0-15.fc31     updates-released-local  205 k
poppler-utils          x86_64 0.73.0-15.fc31     updates-released-local  229 k
python-pip-wheel       noarch 19.1.1-7.fc31      updates-released-local  1.2 M
python-qt5-rpm-macros  noarch 5.13.2-3.fc31      updates-released-local   11 k
python2-libxml2        x86_64 2.9.10-2.fc31      updates-released-local  234 k
python2-pip            noarch 19.1.1-7.fc31      updates-released-local  1.7 M
python3-langtable      noarch 0.0.50-1.fc31      updates-released-local  1.1 M
python3-libxml2        x86_64 2.9.10-2.fc31      updates-released-local  236 k
python3-pip            noarch 19.1.1-7.fc31      updates-released-local  1.6 M
python3-qt5            x86_64 5.13.2-3.fc31      updates-released-local  1.2 M
python3-qt5-base       x86_64 5.13.2-3.fc31      updates-released-local  3.2 M
python3-qt5-webkit     x86_64 5.13.2-3.fc31      updates-released-local  139 k
qt5-qtbase             x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local  3.5 M
qt5-qtbase-common      noarch 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local   12 k
qt5-qtbase-gui         x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local  5.8 M
qt5-qtconnectivity     x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local  541 k
qt5-qtdeclarative      x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local  3.7 M
qt5-qtenginio          x86_64 1:1.6.2-27.fc31    updates-released-local  182 k
qt5-qtgraphicaleffects x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local  116 k
qt5-qtlocation         x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local  3.2 M
qt5-qtmultimedia       x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local  880 k
qt5-qtquickcontrols    x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local  1.0 M
qt5-qtquickcontrols2   x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local  2.0 M
qt5-qtscript           x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local  1.1 M
qt5-qtsensors          x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local  233 k
qt5-qtserialport       x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local   67 k
qt5-qtspeech           x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local   46 k
qt5-qtspeech-speechd   x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local   28 k
qt5-qtsvg              x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local  185 k
qt5-qttools-common     noarch 5.13.2-3.fc31      updates-released-local   11 k
                       x86_64 5.13.2-3.fc31      updates-released-local  2.8 M
qt5-qttools-libs-help  x86_64 5.13.2-3.fc31      updates-released-local  166 k
qt5-qtvirtualkeyboard  x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local  2.4 M
qt5-qtwayland          x86_64 5.13.2-2.fc31      updates-released-local  1.1 M
qt5-qtwebchannel       x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local   94 k
qt5-qtwebkit           x86_64 5.212.0-0.41.alpha3.fc31
                                                 updates-released-local   13 M
qt5-qtwebsockets       x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local   98 k
qt5-qtx11extras        x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local   35 k
qt5-qtxmlpatterns      x86_64 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local  1.2 M
qt5-srpm-macros        noarch 5.13.2-1.fc31      updates-released-local  8.8 k
rhythmbox              x86_64 3.4.4-1.fc31       updates-released-local  3.1 M
scl-utils              x86_64 1:2.0.2-12.fc31    updates-released-local   36 k
seahorse               x86_64 3.34.1-1.fc31      updates-released-local  1.3 M
tigervnc               x86_64 1.10.1-1.fc31      updates-released-local  281 k
tigervnc-icons         noarch 1.10.1-1.fc31      updates-released-local   25 k
tigervnc-license       noarch 1.10.1-1.fc31      updates-released-local   15 k
                       x86_64 1.10.1-1.fc31      updates-released-local  1.1 M
unoconv                noarch 0.9.0-2.fc31       updates-released-local   56 k
vim-filesystem         noarch 2:8.2.076-1.fc31   updates-released-local   24 k
vim-minimal            x86_64 2:8.2.076-1.fc31   updates-released-local  646 k
whois-nls              noarch 5.5.4-1.fc31       updates-released-local   33 k
ffmpeg-libs            x86_64 4.2.2-1.fc31       rpmfusion-free-updates  7.2 M
libavdevice            x86_64 4.2.2-1.fc31       rpmfusion-free-updates   74 k
libde265               x86_64 1.0.4-1.fc31       rpmfusion-free-updates  326 k
xvidcore               x86_64 1.3.7-1.fc31       rpmfusion-free-updates  270 k
Installing dependencies:
zimg                   x86_64 2.8-4.fc31         fedora                  270 k
kernel                 x86_64 5.3.14-300.fc31    @updates-released-local   0
kernel-core            x86_64 5.3.14-300.fc31    @updates-released-local  67 M
kernel-modules         x86_64 5.3.14-300.fc31    @updates-released-local  28 M

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