(answering my original post)
> When I'm logged in as eng.user, and I edit a text file in the gnome
> and the file is a mix of Chinese and English text, the Chinese text
shows up
> as a mix of mostly an unknown blocky font (a "ming"? font) and a little
> "AR PL UKai..."....
> ...I want Chinese text in text files to all display as "AR UL UKai...".
> How do I achieve that?
Something that I forgot to mention in the original post is that I think
the original problem first showed up in mid-October, right after
upgrading to F-30, though I don't know if there's a connection.
I stumbled on to the gnome tweak tool. That gave me a way to set the
system font. Then in the terminal preferences, I set the font to the
system font. That solves it.
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