On 2019-12-10 19:34, Bob Goodwin wrote:
> On 2019-12-10 03:42, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> First, I understand that you'd like a "user" to be able to read/write to the 
>> NFS mounted directory on
>> a client.  And, secondly, at the moment only root has r/w ability.  Correct?
> .
> Yes and yes.
>> So,
>> 1.  How many users need to have r/w access to the NFS mounted directories?
> .
> Just one, bobg, the others all have A[[Apple equipment which does not have 
> the ability to use NFS. They can only use my Samba server which I have to 
> maintain too. :-(
>> 2.  If you are supporting multiple users, will they each have their own NFS 
>> directory/export?
> .
>> not applicable.
>> 3.  Or do you want a single NFS exported directory that all users have 
>> access?
> .
> Yes, I am all the users, might address  /media/nfs  as user "rfg" perhaps.
> .
> Presently, I can do whatever I need to do with NFS from a terminal as root. A 
> few minutes ago I started Thunar file manager from the su'd root terminal and 
> could do whatever I tried, from /media/nfs, navigate through the tree, read 
> and write files, delete filesr in Libreoffice and Notecase Pro to use the 
> fiiles, it all works perfectly.
> Repeating the same as user bobg in /media/nfs i can navigate to "nfs" and it 
> sees nothing beyond that.
> It's early here, the sun is not up yet, I wont be able to deal with this 
> until later today but I wanted to respond, thank you, Bob.


Then, are your UID/GID the same on all systems?  Just check in your passwd 
file.  For example. 

[egreshko@meimei ~]$ grep maria /etc/passwd
maria:x:1030:1030:Maria Yang:/home/maria:/bin/bash

The UID of that user is 1030 and just so happens so is the GID.
And the GID is defined here

[egreshko@meimei ~]$ grep maria /etc/group

So, assuming yours is similar, all you need do on the server is...

chown -R bobg:bobg /nfs4exports

Using maria as an example....

ORIGINALLY on the client

The file system has been mounted and shows up in df as so

[maria@frk ~]$ df | grep some
f31k:/nfs4exports/home       27663360 6973696  19261440  27% /somepoint

[maria@frk ~]$ ll -d /somepoint/
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 10 20:24 /somepoint/

[maria@frk ~]$ touch /somepoint/x
touch: cannot touch '/somepoint/x': Permission denied

Then on the server.

root@f31k /]# chown -R maria:maria /nfs4exports/

Now, back on the client.

[maria@frk ~]$ ll -d /somepoint/
drwxr-xr-x. 2 maria maria 4096 Dec 10 20:33 /somepoint/

[maria@frk ~]$ touch /somepoint/x

[maria@frk ~]$ ls /somepoint/x


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