On Fri, 2019-11-15 at 19:48 +0000,   sixpack13 wrote:
> > On Thu, 2019-11-14 at 23:31 +0000,   sixpack13 wrote:
> > 
> > Knew what? If you don't quote what you're talking about, don't expect
> > people to understand you. Most of us don't use HyperKitty and not many
> > will be bothered checking the archives for the previous message.
> > 
> > <rant>
> > 
> > WHY does HK not quote the context by default? This is a real PITA.
> > 
> > </rant>
> I knew that restic is in the fedora repo.
> sorry for the mess !
> supporting your ran !
> ================
> I was just replying directly to you using the "Reply link" under your 
> comment, so I thought I'm doing it right.
> Your rant regarding this point is wrongly addressed to me !

The rant isn't addressed to you. Sorry of that wasn't clear. As a rule,
something marked as <rant></rant> is a  general comment inserted as an
aside because it happens to be relevant to this particular post.

> Cause I often got the impression that HK does some *magic* sorting. 
> My comments often appear incoherent somewhere in the thread without any 
> timely flow.
> even if I do a full quote and clear the hole quoted text it seems HK looses 
> track.
> you/we can see it right now in this comment: in HK it appears that I'm 
> replying to my self: see the first line !

I don't look at HK unless I need to consult the archives, and never use
it to post if I can avoid it. This mailing list is (as the name
implies) a *mailing list*. That's how most people interact with it. HK
is (IMHO) a misguided attempt to merge two modes of communication with
different traditions and expectations. I was much less annoyed by the
old archive format, which was easier to search and had the advantage of
*not* letting you post directly. However that's getting OT.

> Often I need to click "Show replies in by date" at the top of the thread to 
> sort it *halfway*.
> That all bugs me too !!!
> and -btw- a edit function would be a win too !
> P.S.
> I'm thinking about using a mail client.
> I guess the advantage will be a starting line in my comments of: "who wrote 
> what when" !

I would encourage you do that. Any half-decent MUA will do. I use
Evolution, others people use Thunderbird, Claws, Mutt etc. It doesn't
greatly matter.

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