Tried that... doesn't make any difference whatsoever. If I use 
portreleast pop3 manually the port will release and the tomcat 
application can start.


On 6/29/2010 4:01 PM, Doron Bar Zeev wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 18:34, Jack Lauman <
> <>> wrote:
>     When I start tomcat I get an error the port 110 is in use. Dovecot is
>     not enabled, netstat doesn't show port 110 in use.
>     If I run "portrelease" on ports POP3, SMTP & 3306 manually prior  Tomcat
>     startup and DeskNow runs normally.
>     Is there a way to open these three ports without manually running
>     "portrelease"? I need to have Tomcat & DeskNow start automatically.
> check man portreserve
> It's a service that can be disabled with chkconfig
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