Hi All,

On a fresh installed F31 I tried to get Klamav running. However I got the
the errors listed below. What is wrong in the configuration? Or am I
packages missing?

I get:

#) klamav
ICE Connection rejected!

DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Authentication Rejected, reason : Nond
ICE Connection rejected!

DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Authentication Rejected, reason : Nond
DCOPServer self-test failed.
kdeinit: DCOPServer could not be started, aborting.
vleegert-jj ) klamav
DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Authentication Rejected, reason : None
 of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authenti
cation failed
ICE Connection rejected!

DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Authentication Rejected, reason : None
 of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authenti
cation failed
DCOPServer self-test failed.
ICE Connection rejected!

kdeinit: DCOPServer could not be started, aborting.


Pax, vel iniusta, utilior est quam iustissimum bellum.
    (free after Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 b.Chr.-46 b.Chr.)
     Epistularum ad Atticum

               Touch not the cat bot a glove


  Jouk Jansen

  Technische Universiteit Delft        tttttttttt  uu     uu  ddddddd
  Kavli Institute of Nanoscience       tttttttttt  uu     uu  dd    dd
  Nationaal centrum voor HREM              tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
  Lorentzweg 1                             tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
  2628 CJ Delft                            tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
  Nederland                                tt      uu     uu  dd    dd
  tel. 31-15-2782272                       tt       uuuuuuu   ddddddd

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