On 11/5/19 5:30 AM, Geoffrey Leach wrote:
Google Chrome 79.0.3945.16 beta
Fedora 5.2.18-200.fc30.x86_64

% google-chrome
InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process
gpu-process. [2301:2301:1104/131821.982525:ERROR:gl_utils.cc(325)]
[.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_OPERATION: Program not linked.
[.DisplayCompositor] GL_INVALID_OPERATION: Program object expected. ....

Installed 11/01

Any thoughts?

Works fine here in a VM running KDE.

[egreshko@f31bk ~]$ rpm -q google-chrome-beta
[egreshko@f31bk ~]$ uname -r

You need to provide a bit more about your environment.

Running Gome/Wayland?
You video HW and driver?

The key to getting good answers is to ask good questions.
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