(responding to Samuel)
> I didn't see any timestamps for that data. Was any of it recent
> or was it just all old junk that never got cleaned up before?
> There was a mention in that bug that abrt will limit the amount of
> storage it uses by cleaning up old data as it creates more.
I looked at the redirected output from yesterday's "ls" commands, and
saw lots of 2018 files, but no 2019 files. But I don't think 2019 files
would show up with " 2019 " in the "ls -al" output. I also saw 2015
files, but no 2014 or 2013 files. That is not an exhaustive search. It
seems that it's just all old junk that never got cleaned up, but I can't
be certain.
Wait, I just remembered "ls" has sort options.
ls -aclR /var/cache/abrt-di/usr/ | grep "Oct 10" | more
shows lots of hits; more recent dates show no hits. So that directory
sub-tree has stuff between the year 2015 and last Thursday inclusive.
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