On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 2:52 PM Roger Heflin <rogerhef...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Symbolic links missing on / (/bin->/usr/bin and such).
> /bin/bash missing or corrupted.
> /lib64/ libraries missing or corrupted.
> systemd itself missing, pivot root attempts to run systemd and that
> may be what is failing, but you don't really know what the underlying
> cause is for it to fail.
> What exactly was the "improper shutdown"
> The easiest way to debug is to livecd boot it mount up the old
> filessystems on say /oldroot (rootfs) mount /oldroot/usr for usr and
> so forth and then cd /oldroot and do a "chroot ."
> I would expect the chroot . to fail with some sort of error that may
> hint at what is broken.
> On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 7:15 AM murph nj <murphnj+fed...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, Sep 9, 2019 at 9:07 PM Tony Nelson <tonynel...@georgeanelson.com> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Usually, when it all goes wrong just after pivot-root, there is a
> > > problem with the new (real) root.  Exactly how it goes wrong is not
> > > useful.  I would look hard at whatever is mounted at /sysroot.  It
> > > should be what you expect / (root) to be, but mounted ro at that point
> > > (`cat /proc/mounts` should show it mounted at /sysroot (see `man 5
> > > fstab`
> > > for format); `ls -l /sysroot` should show the contents you expect).
> > > (All off the top of my head; I haven't rebooted to test.)

I was able to mount all of the boot drives, and it seemed OK, I
couldn't see anything that was out of order.

Unfortunately, I'm going to need this laptop next weekend, so my
journey of discovery on this is going to have to end, since I couldn't
fix it, I'll have to reload.  We gave it a shot though, and I have
some new things to try for other potential issues.

Again thanks for the help.

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