sixpack13 composed on 2019-07-27 14:24 (UTC):

> If I were you I would get rid off that partion schema and would change it to
> GUID partioning ! I don't know if it's able to do without new installation !

I have only nominal familiarity with partitioning tools other than that which 
been using cross-platform for two decades exclusively, DFSee[1], which is not
FOSS. Because DFSee can make this conversion, I have to think others can do it 

> In my view/with my understanding: if you ever get in the position/the need to
> do an new install with new partioning your /home on an logical partition is in
> danger. - maybe I'm wrong ?! -

> If you move to GUID partioning you circumvent the barrier of 4 primary 
> partions
> OR 3 prim. plus x logical.

That's 4 primaries: 3 normal primaries, plus a primary called extended. It is 
extended which "contains" logicals. The extended is actually a chain of sectors
that delineate one logical partition, and optionally point to a next sector in 
extended chain.

> You simply get more then 4 primary partitions. - don't know the limit -

IIRC, 256.

> you need a partition named "Bios Boot" with 1-2 MB size as a first (?)
> partition.

Technically, much less than 1MB is needed, but not using a multiple of 1MB would
normally disrupt conventional partitioning's sector alignment:

Evolution as taught in public schools is religion, not science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***
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