On Sun, Jun 16, 2019 at 2:34 AM François Patte
<francois.pa...@mi.parisdescartes.fr> wrote:
> Running manualy grub2-mkconfig corrects this mistake.

Fedora 29 grubby has not changed since August 2018 according to koji


It's a bit misleading with fc30 and fc31 versions of the grubby
package, because it looks like it's being maintained but the real
grubby binary is pretty much on life support in Fedora. What you'll
find in the newer versions of the package is grubby is a wrapper
script for managing the new bootloaderspec method of configuration
files, but with a command line tool that grubby users are familiar
with. The real grubby is actually grubby-deprecated.

Anyway, my advice

1. F29, get in the habit of running grub2-mkconfig after any kernel
update to make sure the grub.cfg is not malformed
2. F29, convert to the new bootloaderspec using grub2-switch-to-blscfg
script and now you no longer need to run grub2-mkconfig and you don't
need to worry about grubby anymore, the bootloader config files in
/boot/loader/entries are created by kernel package scripts.
3. Upgrade to F30

Before you do 2. or 3. you should run grub2-mkconfig to make sure the
grub.cfg is not malformed, prior to be converted to the bls way.

I mean, you could also try to file a bug against grubby and maybe
it'll get fixed? *shrug*

Chris Murphy
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